Category Archives: Competitions

BJCP Exam result!

I got my exam result back – 84!

I’m pleased, and this means that after some more judging points have been acquired I can progress up the judging ranks to National level. It took quite an amount of study, but learning about beer isn’t exactly a hardship. Given the amount of study that involves sampling, it was actually quite fun.

Now I can turn my attention to the UK National Homebrew Competition which I’m organizing under BJCP guidelines.

Brewing Indian Ink at the Bristol Beer Factory – (AG#13)

Having won their homebrew competition with Indian Ink, I went along to brew a batch with them. I had a great day and the beer is fermenting nicely!

mashing in at BBF

Mashing in Indian Ink at Bristol Beer Factory

In go the Centennial hops at 20 minutes left

Checking the beer during the boil

Two of my ciders make it to the NHC Final Round!

Two of my ciders that were entered in the National Homebrew Competition (US) have placed 2nd and 3rd in their region, and so will progress to the final round. I’m really pleased!

Homebrew Alley 4

This coming Sunday at Chelsea Brewing Company, Chelsea Piers, NYC….

I have a dry mead in, which I made at the end of 2009, and we’ll see what happens.  Probably won’t win anything, but I’ll get feedback from the judges.

I’m also judging on the day.  I have to be there at 8.30 am, and get to start drinking tasting at 9.15 on a Sunday.